About Me

A peek inside my girly girl world would reveal a woman much like you.  A girl who seeks daily to be in the presence of God with a heart that yearns for inspiration and beauty.  I love reinventing myself, my home, and my life.  A change of season can call for a new wardrobe, or new flower arrangement.  Who doesn't love a new coat of paint on the front door or a new little black dress?  But what happens when the paint fades and you have worn the dress a few times ?  I realized that I was using these things to fill a void.  I thought, "If I married Prince Charming, lived in the house of my dreams and raised amazing boys. . . everything would then be perfect.  
I finally got the house of my dreams.  I spent hours, days and months rummaging garage sales and estate sales to find all the perfect Country French furniture and accessories to fit inside. And this all made me happy for a while but it never lasted very long.  One more accessory... one more dress.  My life seemed perfect on the outside to anyone looking in.  But behind that pretty front door... I was hiding.  I was hiding the fact that even though I had it all... I felt empty.  I went through several years secretly depressed and struggling because I was stuck in a place that I did not feel wholehearted.  I was fearful of others seeing the real me so I hid in perfectionism

I set about trying to create the perfect life...one day at a time,  but something was missing in my soul .  I was a Christian but my heart felt lonely... even in church.   
  Every journey has a story and one day God began rewriting my story. In a turnabout of events God pursued my heart in unimaginable ways and a healing began from the inside out.   I have lived through abuse, heartache, abandonment, childhood divorce and loneliness.  I understand the everyday struggles women face and how if we stop hiding .. and let God heal us.. we can become so much more.  As a motivational speaker I would love to share my story with you.  It is my own Cinderella version of rags to riches. Come along and let me show you that when you allow God to reach into the broken places... He will give you a new day... a new start ... a new way... and a brand new heart. ~ Melessa